13 | Newborn and Infant loss

Infant loss

Happy 13th Birthday to our Reid!

A teenager. Our Reid would be a teenager today! It literally feels impossible. Like it was only yesterday that I walked into that hospital yet also an entire lifetime ago that this beautiful nightmare began. The details are a pretty fuzzy now but the emotions are as present as always.

This past year has been hard for us. For a lot of different reasons. But 13 years ago I learned that if I could survive the loss of our Reid that I could survive anything. That I could find a way to wake up everyday and smile because although we were not gifted with watching our Reid grow up with have been gifted with the hope of eternal life. The hope of meeting again. He gave us the gift of learning to grow. Learning to feel and learning to be grateful daily. We stand here today much stronger then we were 13 years ago and know that through anything we encounter we will be OK. In the past 13 years since we’ve lost our Reid and we’ve also had to say goodbye to 4 grandparents, 5 cousins and a best friend. We’ve learned that life is so short and truly you need to live each day the best you can. Live in joy. Live in love. But I have also learned that everyday people are dealing with their own life complications and that grace goes so far… and so does a simple smile or compliment. A helping hand.

This quote has always been a favorite….

“You just never know what someone is dealing with behind closed doors. No matter how happy someone looks, how loud their laugh is, how big their smile is, there can still be a level of hurt that is indescribable. So be kind. Even when others are not, choose to be kind.” ~Andrea Russett.

It’s so true and so powerful. So today…for our son’s 13th birthday….please spread joy and please give grace in his honor. Reid Andrew Cristan’s life may have only been 4 short days long but he helped to teach us such a powerful lesson. Live and love everyday. Give honor to God everyday. Trust in the story everyday. Don’t let stress overrun your life. Remember that even through your storms there is still so much beauty. And most importantly give thanks for the ones you love. Don’t ever take them for granted.

We love you forever Reid Andrew. Forever in our hearts.

child loss

infant loss
infant loss
newborn loss

If you’d like to read more about our story you can check out previous blogs here, here and you can read the start of Reid’s story here.

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Hi ya'll! So happy you're here! I'm Michelle, a newborn and family photographer servicing the greater Orlando area. Here you will see all the beauty that I get to capture in this beautiful life!

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